Theme 1: Practices of Art Bank Operation and Management
Tammy Scott /加拿大藝術委員會傳播暨公眾參與處處長
講題: 加拿大藝術委員會的藝術銀行:先驅和再造
藝術銀行概念起源於加拿大,1972年加拿大藝術委員會(Canada Council for Arts)成立藝術銀行。過程經歷無數的考驗與變革,包含一次停止營業的危機。至今已歷43年,加拿大藝術銀行成功兼顧商業考量與藝術家的利益,自給自足,穩定成長。Tammy Scott女士是加拿大藝術委員會傳播暨公眾參與處處長,藝術銀行是其轄下單位,她對於透過藝術銀行的機制,如何達到藝術溝通以及強化民眾 參與的經營理念及執行經驗,非常豐富,值得借鏡。
Tammy Scott, Director General, Communications and Public Engagement, the Canada Council
The Canada Council Art Bank: Pioneer. Reinvented
The concept of art bank originated in Canada. It has been 43 years since the Art Bank was founded by the Canada Council for Arts in 1972, during which it went through numerous setbacks and reforms and was even nearly shut down once. Being self-sufficient and reporting to the Canada Council for the Arts, the Art Bank successfully strikes a balance between commercial and artists’ interests and grows steadily. Tammy Scott, Director General of Communications and Public Engagement of the Canada Council for the Arts, has extensive knowledge of how to strengthen communication and public participation through the Art Bank. Her wealth of practical experience is well worth learning.
Tony Stephens/澳洲藝術銀行執行長
講題: 藝術銀行和分享經濟
澳洲藝術銀行現隸屬於環境水利、文化資產暨藝術部,1980年成立迄今已屆35年。成立之初汲取加拿大的經驗,並因應國家環境條件,建立營運方針和目標,到1992年已能自給自足,且成為澳洲當代藝術的指標性機構。現任執行長Tony Stephens 於2012年上任,其對經濟環境的敏銳度促使他積極跨足不同產業,用藝術關照各種社群,在品牌形象及行銷推廣方面有極為亮眼的作為。他獨特的商業觀點及行銷操作經驗,應能讓聽眾獲益良多。
Tony Stephens, Director of Artbank Australia
Artbank and Sharing Economy
Artbank is part of the Australian Government's Department of Environment, Heritage, Water and the Arts, and it has been 35 years since its establishment in 1980. It learned from Canadian experience when it was first founded and established an operational guideline and objective after factoring in its national environment. It became self-sufficient in 1992 and has been a landmark institute for Australian contemporary art. Tony Stephens, the incumbent director, took office in 2012. His economic acumen urges him to work across different industries and care for different communities through art. He has done an outstanding job in branding, marketing, and promotion. The audience shall without doubt benefit a great deal from his unique take on business and hands-on experience in marketing.
Nicholas Chang, Ex-curator of Taiwan Artbank
New Actor in Taiwan Art Ecology: Art Bank
The Art Bank project was launched by the Ministry of Culture in 2013 and executed by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. This project referred to Canadian, Australian, and Korean experience, reviewed Taiwan’s art industry and regulations, and built a comprehensive mechanism of introduction, management, and lease of artworks. Its successful leasing program in the past two years has been acknowledged, and more artworks have been leased to the private sector than to the public sector, which shows the leasing modal of art bank has become a new force in Taiwan’s art market. Dr. Cheng-lin Chang, research fellow at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, is the project director of “Art Bank, Taiwan.” Skilled in art management and familiar with the art environment and industry in Taiwan, Dr. Chang has a real insight into the promotion of Art Bank in Taiwan.
Theme 2: Art as a Weapon in Cultural Diplomacy
Sarah Tanguy / 美國國務院藝術大使館資深策展人
美國國務院的「藝術大使館」計畫對於美國公共外交扮演領頭的角色。其目的是向世界多國展示美國當代藝術作品,透過美國藝術家與駐在國藝術家之間的跨文化對話與理解,促進交流。 「藝術大使館」是一個公私合作推廣的計畫,目前全球已超過20,000個參與者,包含藝術家、美術館、藝廊、大學及私人藏家,遍及189個國家、200個地點。Sarah Tanguy是美國國務院「藝術大使館」計畫的資深策展人,外交官家庭背景加上其厚實的藝術史學養及豐富的策展、藝評經驗,對於向世界推介美國當代藝術,有相當倍受肯定的成績。
Sarah Tanguy, Senior Curator, Art in Embassies, the U.S. State Department
Art in Embassies: Building Bridges/ Creating Dialogues through the Visual Art
The “Art in Embassies” project of the U.S. Department of State plays a leading role in the U.S. public diplomacy. Its objective is to display U.S. contemporary artworks to the world and facilitate exchanges through cultural dialogues and understanding between American and host countries’ artists. “Art in Embassies” utilizes public private partnership, with over 20,000 participants worldwide, including artists, museums, galleries, universities, and private collectors, in 189 countries and 200 locations. Daughter of a diplomat with in-depth knowledge of art history and considerable experience in curation and art review, Sarah Tanguy, Senior Curator of Art in Embassies, has delivered an excellent performance in promoting U.S. contemporary art to the world.
Roger Golding /英國政府藝術收藏/檔案室主任
隸屬英國文化媒體體育部(DCMS)轄下的「政府藝術收藏」(GAC)是一批專責為英國部會及駐外使館實現文化外交,展現文化軟實力的重點藝術收藏。英國駐外使館的重點空間皆常設展示「政府藝術收藏」(GAC)的藝術作品,如逢重要場合或特殊慶典,配合更換作品,適時提供優質的外交氛圍,傳達英國的文化底蘊。 Roger Golding 擔任GAC重要典藏管理部的檔案室主任,已於GAC任職20餘年,其專業知識及運作經驗,值得取經學習。
Roger Golding, Curator of Documentation at Government Art Collection
Art as Diplomacy: the UK Government Art Collection at Work
Under the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the UK Government Art Collection (GAC) is a key artwork collection dedicated to cultural diplomacy and soft power for British ministries and embassies. Artworks from GAC are on permanent display at key areas in British embassies. Artworks are changed on important occasions or during special festivals so as to create high-quality diplomatic atmosphere and demonstrate rich British culture. Roger Golding is the Curator of Documentation at GAC. His experience at GAC for over two decades and professional knowledge are definitely worth learning about.